- Fixed average wait time and percent successful matches stat tracking for matchmaking
- Added some matchmaker logging
- Fixed substitutions not working properly
- Tweaked some oddities in the pathing code
* Heroes might 'stick' on each other slightly again. We are developing a more permanent solution
- Toggling autocast and attack abilities no longer interrupt any current actions
Harkon's Blade
- No longer stacks with Lifeleech & other attack modifiers
Nome's Wisdom
- Recipe cost from 600 to 200
Plated Greaves
- The activated effect can now apply to all allied non-hero units (including player controlled units).
- Recipe cost from 1000 to 1100
Added New Legion Int hero, Bubbles, inspired by Puck the Faerie Dragon
* Fun Fact: The voice of this hero was recorded by Robert Jadah, who also voiced Morla The Thousand Year-Old Turtle for 'The Neverending Story'
- Un-Dev
- Fixed Recommended Items
- Base armor lowered by 2
- Demonic Pathogen silence from 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds to 1/2/3/4 seconds
- Demonic Pathogen damage from 100 magic DPS to 60 magic DPS
- Corpse Conversion cooldown from 30 to 20
- Gold bounty from minions from 21/26/36/41 to 10/13/18/20
- Minions now have 3 Magic Armor
- Now takes 30 seconds for charges on his ult to start disappearing
- His ultimate now gains 0.6 charges per 1% of enemy mana spent (increased from 0.5)
- Blood Sense now grants full vision of low HP targets
- Uproot's Mana Cost from 60 to 30
- Uproot's charges from 5/6/7/8 to 5 at all levels
- Willowmaker now casts 100ms faster
- Armor from 1.96 to 2.96
- Base STR from 22 to 20
- Base INT from 19 to 21
- Scythe Stance now causes Cull to stun and Burning Shadows to destroy mana
- Shadow Stance now causes Cull to destroy mana and Burning Shadows to stun
- Fayde now starts in Scythe Stance by default (This makes Reflection deal Physical damage by default, even when stances are unleveled)
- STR growth from 2.5 to 2.1
- AGI growth from 1.0 to 1.2
- INT growth from 2.7 to 2.9
- Armor from 1.8 to 2.8
- Stalk cooldown lowered by 1
- Grace of the Nymph now only dispels from player-controlled unit damage
- Teleport no longer displays graphic/sfx to enemies when in fog
- Cannonball now snares by 60% for 4 seconds instead of stunning when missed
- Toxin Wards now have 1/1/2/2 charges for placement, decreased from 1/2/2/3
- Toxin Wards attack effect changed from -10% Movespeed to -25 Movespeed at all levels
- Fixed tool tip of Toxin Wards displaying the incorrect amount of health
- Counter-Attack no longer uses real attacks, meaning it will not trigger things like critical strike, life steal, or Frostburn. It now simply deals damage equal to Swiftblade's base attack damage.